This post is something special and you won’t find anything like it anywhere else. Today we are going to explain how to approach an import company to request information about a product.
We want to know prices of products and suppliers (e.g. in China), but we do not always ask for it in the most appropriate way. In this way we get that many companies do not even answer our emails and therefore we are losing opportunities.
The first thing such a company will think when it reads an inappropriate message is “the importer is unprofessional or even fake, he is going to waste my time”. Since we want to be taken seriously, we must adapt to their way of working.
Here is a letter for you to copy and paste, filling in the gaps between brackets:
Hello, my name is [Nombre y Apellido]. I reside in [City, Country] and I am interested in importing [tipo de producto] from Asia to [lugar de destino].
I do not know if you work with this product but in any case I leave you the necessary data to see if you are interested in doing business with me.
[He importado con anterioridad / Es mi primera vez como importador]. Currently, my supplier is [empresa a la que compras el producto actualmente].
I am a [particular / empresa] and therefore the product will go [a mi nombre / a nombre de la empresa].
Product specifications are as follows:
Type: [por ejemplo salchichas]
Detailed description: [e.g. chicken and turkey sausages, small size, etc].
Product requirements: [e.g. kept refrigerated, plastic packaging, quality, etc.].
… (the more specifications the better).
I would like to place a first order with an amount of [here the REAL amount, no lying]. Please note that the maximum capital I am willing to invest in this first purchase is [aquí dinero dispuesto a gastar]. Therefore, if you do not find a price below this one, it will be impossible for me to make the purchase.
The complete shipping address, if an agreement is reached, would be as follows [dirección completa de destino].
I hope they will study my case and we can come to some kind of agreement.
Yours faithfully
Filling in all these data will give us a lot of seriousness in the eyes of the companies and they will pay attention to us. They also allow for much tighter budgets, including freight and duty costs. This is the only way to know what the product will really cost you. No company will start looking for suppliers for you in China if it does not have this information.
I hope it has helped you and that you will use it whenever you contact import professionals.
If you want to import from China, do not hesitate to contact us without obligation.