The alleged low quality of products manufactured in China has become a myth that has become firmly established in the Western mindset.
This legend leads consumers to view products with “Made in China” on their labels with a certain amount of suspicion. In turn, many companies that develop their products in the Asian country try to hide the origin of their manufacturing. This is an idea that is present at both levels.
What is the truth about the myths that are circulating in the West?
China, the world’s factory
The truth is that the Asian giant manufactures most of the products consumed around the world, so phones, computers, their components and the clothes we wear every day are “Made in China”.
In fact, the major international brands that are recognized and consumed worldwide are manufactured precisely in China, which invests so that their products have the required quality, so in the end it will depend on what the producer demands and is willing to pay.
Just as there is an unlimited amount of products in the Chinese market, there is a great variety of qualities. It all depends on the investment that each company makes to offer in the market and the quality standards it decides to maintain.
The point is that China makes both the best and the worst products in the world: it all comes down to a question of price.
Chinese factories are not capable of producing quality products
Popular belief continues to drag this myth for decades. The truth is that China, beyond producing quality products for Western brands, is increasingly involved in creating high quality products for its own brands. Products from Xiaomi or DJI, known worldwide, are a clear example.
Conditions in Chinese factories are very poor
There will be factories all over the world where working conditions will be better or worse, but the reality is certainly far removed from what the collective imagination assumes on this subject.
Technological developments in Chinese factories have practically put the Asian country at the forefront of certain developments worldwide. Facilities are increasingly modernized, as manufacturers themselves are the first to be interested in creating better products.
Workers in Chinese factories are virtual slaves
Another big myth is that a Chinese factory worker practically has to beg for a job. Reality shows that it is precisely the factories that must continuously improve the conditions of their workers so that they do not leave for the competition.
Low unemployment and high demand for workers have put the Chinese worker in a privileged position, and wages have been rising steadily in recent years.
Manufactured in China because labor is cheap
Low wages in China is a situation that has changed dramatically. If companies were looking to gain competitiveness in this aspect, they would go to other countries to manufacture their products, but the truth is that in China there is a highly qualified workforce, infrastructures that are difficult to replicate, know-how obtained from years of experience and a whole series of factors that make China the best option, beyond labor costs.
Its factories are the first in the world to update their merchandise, so importing products from China is one of the businesses that have been maintained over the years.
Although it is an excellent business to import goods for a good price, many companies and entrepreneurs may still have their doubts and are not convinced to order their products from the Asian country.
One of the reasons has to do with the fear that their cargoes will be held up by customs and not reach their destination. Therefore, it is essential to have the support of an expert company to import products from China without any inconvenience.
Another issue that frightens those who feel insecure about importing from China is that the products may not be as ordered. Inspecting the quality of the goods and that they are the correct orders before shipment to their final destination is essential to avoid surprises. MingTa ensures that all parameters required by the customer are met and that all work performed is documented. In addition, our work during the process involves arranging for samples to be sent prior to ordering.
Mingta Group is an agency specialized in international purchases of supplies and products in large volumes according to the requirements and needs of your company.
Our expert team pays special attention to the supplier selection process and negotiation, as well as to optimizing resources to achieve the best possible profitability.