China’s economy: the Asian country launches itself into Latin America

In recent years, China has become the protagonist in various areas of Latin America, including economic, trade and investment. Specifically, it was at the beginning of 2017 that Beijing expressed its intention to be Latin America’s main partner, a role also played by other European Union countries, including Spain.

Therefore, during the China-LAC summit, which will be organized in November by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Uruguay XXI and the Inter-American Development Bank, Beijing could further strengthen its relationship with Latin America and come closer to realizing its intentions.

It was a year ago when the Asian giant made public its desire to establish a commercial relationship with Latin America, a link that soon emerged and has been strengthened even more in recent weeks with the announcement of the I International China Exposition – I International China Exposition – I International China Exposition – I International China Exposition – I International China ExpositionLatin America and the Caribbean. This is an event sponsored by the China International Chamber of Commerce and the Zhuhai municipal governmentwhich will take place from November 9 to 11 in the same city and will become another platform for pragmatic cooperation between the Asian country and the American region.

The event, which is part of the Maritime Silk Road Initiative, will feature a series of thematic forums and seminars on a variety of topics, including bilateral trade, strategic and commercial cooperation, tourism, tariffs and trade legislation, among others.

Guandong is the first province of the Asian country in GDP and foreign trade, which translates into 33.65 billion exchanges in 2016. This province, very close to Macao and Hong Kong, has 4,000 companies and boasts of being one of the first special zones in China with open trade policies in the areas of information technology, electricity, machinery and biomedicine, among others.

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Establishing a first contact with the Asian country from other regions of the world, such as Latin America, is not an easy task. Thanks to companies such as MingTa Group, a Spanish company that provides import and export services from China, the relationship between the Asian giant and Latin America can develop smoothly.

Putting yourself in the hands of companies like MingTa is a guarantee of success. Proof of this, is the award given at the 4th edition of the Offshore Excellence Awards, where we were recognized as the best procurement company in China in 2017. If you need to resolve doubts before starting a purchase process in China, or you need any kind of advice to start your activity with the Asian giant, you can contact us by e-mail,, or through our contact form.

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