Buying in China: How to import small quantities?

An increasing number of people are taking the plunge into doing business with the Asian giant, although many others are reluctant to take the plunge because of the many doubts they have. Which products to import?How to choose the most suitable factory?Which suppliers to trust?What is the best shipping option?How to import small quantities?

In this article we want to go more in depth on the subject of importing small quantities, an issue that may be of interest to those who are going to buy in China for the first time. Normally, when establishing contact with an Asian supplier, we are faced with a MOQ (Minimum order quantity), or in other words, the minimum quantity required.

In the case of not reaching this minimum quantity of product, two things can happen: either the supplier does not want to sell that quantity of product below the MOQ or the price of the requested product will skyrocket . In case you want to import a customized product, the procedure cannot be carried out if the MOQ is not reached, since this type of products are almost always linked to a minimum purchase quantity.

But there are alternatives for small buyers to import their customized products from China. From MingTa Group we recommend that the buyer identifies the best-selling references in your business, find a supplier with acceptable MOQ, import these products and, finally, start selling them through your physical store, online or any web platform intended for sale. As this buyer is probably not interested in selling only two types of products, it would be advisable to complement them with other “filler products”, which can be purchased through the main ecommerce platforms, where you can find all kinds of products at very competitive prices and without MOQ.

Another alternative is to reach the MOQ, which is usually between 300 and 1000 units and negotiate certain product variations. This means that if the supplier demands a minimum of 300 units, we can try to negotiate a variation of colors, typographies, etc., so that the products present some differences.

Due to the complexity that these issues may involve in a first contact with the Asian giant, our recommendation is to resort to professional services such as those offered by MingTa Group. MingTa offers you a personalized consulting service to facilitate your business relationships with Asian manufacturers and suppliers.

Offshore Excellence Awards

Putting yourself in the hands of companies like MingTa Group is a guarantee of success. This is evidenced by the recognition awarded to them at the 4th edition of the Offshore Excellence Awards, where they picked up the award for “Best Procurement Company in China 2017“. If you need to resolve any doubts before starting a purchase process in China, you can send them your questions via e-mail,, or through our contact form.

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