What products should I import, how should I import them, which suppliers should I trust, how can I find the most convenient factory for me? If you are thinking of starting a purchasing process in China, you will surely ask yourself questions like these.
If you do not have previous experience in importing, MingTa Group recommends you to use companies that are experts in purchasing in the Asian giant. However, we offer you some keys that can help you to achieve a successful import:
1.Select well the product to be imported
You should try to find a product that will give you the least number of problems.
2.Find out if your supplier is trustworthy
When initiating a purchase process in the Asian country, we must know our supplier well and read customer reviews. Finding the perfect supplier is not an easy task, which is why at MingTa Group we offer you a “supplier verification” service in order to find out if the supplier you intend to contact is reliable or not.
Communication with the supplier
To achieve a successful import it is necessary to maintain and develop direct contact with the exporting person/company. Asian distributors are specialists in detecting customers with no previous import experience, so it is advisable to try to gain their trust as much as possible: either by e-mail or by traveling directly to China to meet the exporting company.
4.Request product samples
One way to ensure the quality of the product you wish to import is to request a sample of the product. In any case, great care must be taken at the time of closing the transaction, since sometimes the final product may differ from the sample sent in advance.
5.Define the payment methods
Locating a reliable distributor is the key to the success of your import, for that reason it is essential to find out about the professionalism, the way of working and the payment methods offered by the person or company with whom we are going to do business. Scams through web portals are becoming more and more frequent and, although web platforms try to take extreme precautions to put an end to this problem, they do not always succeed.
International Commercial Terms
Better known as ‘Incoterms’, they are terms that reflect the rules of voluntary acceptance between a buyer and a seller regarding the terms of delivery of the goods ordered. They are used in order to make clear the costs of this type of transaction. The prices offered by a Chinese supplier are based on an Incoterm, the most used are CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) and FOB (Free on Board).
Putting yourself in the hands of companies like MingTa is a guarantee of success. This is evidenced by the recognition awarded to them at the 4th edition of the Offshore Excellence Awards, where they picked up the award for “Best Procurement Company in China 2017“. If you need to resolve any doubts before starting a purchase process in China, you can send them your questions via e-mail, info@mingtagroup.com, or through our contact form.